phi·lan·thro·py / fəˈlanTHrəpē/
noun: the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.
We are partnered with some amazing people, doing amazing things, for amazing communities around the world. Caring for the orphaned. Clothing the naked. Feeding the hungry. Healing the wounded and treating the broken. Clean, fresh water for those who are thirsty. Safe environments in which to learn and grow. And that’s all before breakfast on any given Monday. If you want to get involved in the stories you are seeing and become a central character yourself in the adventure as it continues to unfold - we welcome your partnership. We work hard to vet our opportunities so that you can trust your resources are going where they are most needed and dispersed with the utmost of wisdom. We also continue to grow and maintain close relationships with those we partner - so you stay connected, even from a distance. Giving of time, finances, or encouragement is central to how these stories continue. The part where the help comes is the best part of any adventure story. We welcome YOU to join us in these chapters... the part where things start getting really good. Follow here to JOIN THE STORY.

By clicking the link below, you can automate a monthly recurring donation to positively impact the lives of the children in the communities we serve. You can sponsor a child by covering their general needs, medical care, or education expenses (or all three). Or you can sponsor a classroom by helping cover a teacher’s monthly salary, or a scholarship for a child in the community with special needs. There’s even an option to sponsor the nanny salaries as well. These special women love on our kids day-in and day-out.

Ongoing Initiatives
By clicking the link below, you can contribute to one of many ongoing projects and initiatives. Through recurring or one-time donations, you can support an orphanage, help cover operating expenses/salaries, or cover whatever the greatest need is each month.

Immediate Impact
We are often alerted to the critical needs of our partners. These short-term fundraising campaigns cover immediate needs that arise, whether they are for medical equipment, repairs to the well, a needed surgery, transportation needs, etc. These initiatives cover one-time and unexpected expenses that arise from meeting the needs for those within our care.